windmanager united party 2024

22. April 2024

Work hard, play hard…

Oh, what a night!?…Last Friday we celebrated our windmanager united party 2024 in Bremen – with over 400 windmanager colleagues from all over the world. Thanks to everyboday who rocked the „Alte Werft“ with us. It was really amazing.

With a lot of drinks, music, dance battles, the world’s smallest escape room, the crazy kiddy police, caricatures, weird tattoos, fantastic food and lots and we really mean lots of ice cream. (Btw: If you ever get the chance to try Elbeis, go for Franzbrötchen or truffle crisp.)

We hope you all recovered well. We were still dealing with the after effects at the beginning of the week. (And we really felt with our Chilean and Taiwanese colleagues whose travel back home took nearly two days…)

Thx for coming to Bremen. And a special thx to the whole JOKE crew.

See you next year!

Head of Marketing & PR
+49 (0) 421 897 660 460