wpd windmanager offers investors complete solar services from its own PV competence center
627 gigawatts of photovoltaic capacity was installed worldwide last year (2019), with a strong upward trend. wpd windmanager GmbH & Co. KG has taken this development into account and expanded its range of services for photovoltaic systems.
Competence center for solar farm management in Erkelenz
Through the integration of psm GmbH & Co. KG with more than 60 colleagues, the new wpd windmanager competence center for photovoltaics and further operation was established in Erkelenz.
The Erkelenz site has been managing solar power plants for more than 23 years, has experience abroad and is very familiar with all the work that arises during the operation of a PV plant: from planning, approval and installation to commercial and technical management and maintenance to further operation or dismantling.
More than 20 years of international experience in solar farm management
Thus, in addition to the operational management of their wind farms, institutional investors and major customers can now also place the complete management of their solar farms in the hands of wpd windmanager.

In addition to commercial and technical operational management, wpd windmanager also offers maintenance and servicing of photovoltaic farms
Synergies for customers
For investors, the expansion of the service portfolio offers various advantages: Instead of several contact persons, a central team takes care of the entire renewable energy mix of wind and photovoltaics. Instead of a multitude of reports from different operators, the investor now gets everything from a single source – regardless of whether it is a wind or a solar farm and whether it is located in Portugal, Poland or Germany.
For wpd windmanager, there are also many synergies between photovoltaics and wind energy. For example, in reporting, in customer support or in field service. These synergies also benefit our customers.
„Many of our institutional operators and major customers have not previously perceived this expertise as an in-house competence – even though it is highly interesting for them because they increasingly operate wind energy and solar plants,“ says Nils Brümmer, Managing Director of wpd windmanager GmbH & Co KG. „In the future, we will be able to offer wind and solar expertise 100 percent from a single source,“ he adds.
Around 100 solar farms are already being managed and maintained by wpd windmanager. These are monitored in the control room in Erkelenz. The technical work is carried out by the service teams on site.