20. März 2020
Exceptional state of affairs at the wpd windmanager offices worldwide. Where otherwise the colleagues are busy managing wind farms, the scenery is currently more reminiscent of a western movie. The only thing missing is John Wayne riding his horse through the international offices. Whistling a song. Where colleagues usually exchange ideas and the telephone lines are glowing, now metre-high tumbleweeds roll across the lonely corridors.
But what is the situation like in the new wpd windmanager home offices? How is the daily work actually going at home in exile?
In the pre-Corona era, you saw your colleagues every day at the neighbouring workplace. People met, exchanged ideas. Now, however, the contact focuses on e-mails and Microsoft teams. To bring back a little bit of the everyday feeling, we asked the colleagues for some impressions of their workplace situation. True to the motto: Alone together.
Impressions from the international wpd windmanager „branches“

Greetings from snowy Oulu. Kimmo has just set up an ice detection system for his home office.

In Poland Pawel's motto is: striclty business. As far as the eye can reach.

Marijana struggles in Croatia with her colleagues. They are both very messy and leave all projects unfinished. Why can't they mind their own business and respect the 1.5 meter distance?

Accountant Amélie Capelle (FRA) is working with her assitant.

In Poland Lukas really has his hands full.

Vesna and Mia in their home office. Croatian style. If you look closerly you can see a meter distance between them and sanitizers at hand.

In Finland Juha is on vacation and sledding with his son....

...but even there he has built up a home office in the kitchen - for him and his colleague.

Alice's cat doesn't understand why she is more interested in screens than cats.

Ilkka and Arttu send regards from their Kuolavaara ''home office'' on top of the mountains. ''No corona here.''

Mikael shares his French home office. With his gigantic Vestas turbine and his son.

Goran from our technical department (HRV) wears slippers. So the wind farms in Croatia are running very smoothly at the moment.

In François Taraud's home office it is all about wind energy. We <3 it.

Erja has a top notch ergonomic setup. Suomi style. Doggo is assisting.

Ruler, calculator...Bozena has everything at hand in her Polish home-office.

Mrs. Karppinen (FIN) has been very creative. Her home office desk used to b a dog trimming table.

Wind farms, horse farms.: Denis, the Croatian technician, has everything under control.